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So I found several recipes for this online…but I choose to add my own flair. The best part was that I made this before I went to sleep so it was almost ready when I woke up to package up and take to work. (This prevents me from ordering pizza)


2 boneless chicken breasts cubed
One whole pepper chopped or about 6 mini peppers
1 cup chopped baby carrots (I used carrot chips)
8 oz. can of pineapple chunks
1/8 cup reduced sodium soy sauce
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup raw sugar
2 cloves minced garlic
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 Tbsp. Cornstarch
1 Tbsp. Water

1. Drain pineapple juice into a small mixing bowl. Store pineapple chunks sealed in the refrigerator until later. Add raw sugar, soy sauce, orange juice, ginger and crushed red pepper flakes to the pineapple juice and mix until sugar is dissolved.

2. In a small crockpot layer the ingredients starting with the peppers and carrots, then the minced garlic. Add the chicken on top of that and then pour the sauce over top.

3. Cook for about 7 hours at a low heat. Add the pineapple chunks and let cook for 20 more minutes.

4. Mix the cornstarch and water and add to the crockpot to thicken the sauce and cook for the remaining 10 minutes.

5. Serve over rice and garnish with Chinese noodles.

*A note about the sauce:

I only used 1 Tablespoon of cornstarch because the more you use to thicken the sauce you can lose some of the flavor. If you feel the sauce isn’t thick enough add more cornstarch and water mix (1 Tbsp of each) until you reach your desired consistency.
I didn’t mind that the sauce was a little runny because it flavored the rice better.

